27 Mar

IOTEX 2008 brings world olive producers to Jordan

Olive traders from 12 countries flocked to the recently concluded International Olive Products and Technology Exhibition and Forum (IOTEX 2008) at the Amman Motor Show to develop a cooperative spirit, exchange expertise and put the international olive industry on a higher pedestal.

Around 100 merchants from Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Italy, Greece, France Turkey, Cyprus, Libya, Tunis, attended through 84 companies under one roof to discuss the machinations of olives and olive oil business.

The organizers, Petra Events Management, Comcra (Communications Craftsmen), Amman Chamber of Industry and the Jordan Olive Products Exporters Association (JOPEA), stated the IOTEX 2008 is the start of very important event to bring industry stakeholders together which will now be held on an annual basis in Jordan.

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