Archive for the 'Central | South America' Category

12 Mar

Environment-friendly Olive Oil Factory

Here are some pictures of Olisur Olive Oil’s new and Eco friendly factory. More pictures and details here

29 Aug

Spanish company begins Chile’s largest Olive Oil business

By Naomi Bryant, Spanish-owned Peinsa has announced plans to build Chile’s largest olive oil business at a cost of US$200 million. The project contemplates putting 5,000 hectares of olive plantations into production in Region VII. The company began buying up land near Villaseca in January. It currently owns 3,200 hectares, with contracts to rent another […]

28 Jul

Brazil Discovers Olive Oil

by Joel Santos Guimarães Last year, Brazilian imports of the product totaled US$ 170 million. Of this total, 54% came from Portugal. And the forecast is for growth to continue as, this year, expansion of 20% is expected in comparison with 2007. Two reasons are given for the market growth: the first is that Brazilians […]

04 Jun

Mexican Olive Oil: Ensenada to Fairway

By Florence Fabricant, This extra virgin olive oil, Fairway’s house brand Mexican Mission, made entirely from Mission olives on a small estate near Ensenada in Baja California, is about as subtle as a mariachi band. It is sunny, fairly viscous and green, with substantial olive and sage flavors. Olive oil figures only minimally in traditional […]

01 May

Peru’s purple olives soaked in history

By Maricel E. Presilla, On my first trip to Peru many years ago, I was captivated by the country’s black olives. Juicy, meaty and flavorful, they were a far cry from the rubbery California black olives of U.S. salad bars and a welcome change from the sharp, briny green Manzanilla olives I grew up eating […]