Archive for the 'North America' Category

12 Mar

Two Mediterranean Olive Oil Families Form an Alliance

Over 90% of all the olive oil in the world comes from groves in the Mediterranean region. Now two of the most prominent families from the region, Devico and Moreno, have formed an alliance to bring more high quality olive oil to the United States and the world. Among the key beneficiaries of the alliance […]

08 Mar

Olive oil to show country of origin

By Zoë Casey, All olive oils, from Spain’s golden nutty olive oils to Italy’s dark green grassy-flavoured olive oils, will be labelled with their country of origin from 1 July 2009, the European Commission said today. Currently, olive oils are labelled with their country of origin on a voluntary basis, but Mariann Fischer Boel, the […]

18 Feb

Olives May Be Rescued By Helpful Wasp

By Marcia Wood, Olives basking in sunny California groves might find that their new best friend is a small brown wasp. Known to scientists as Psyttalia cf. concolor, the little wasp can help foil the olive fruit fly, a powerful natural enemy of olives. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) entomologist Victoria Y. Yokoyama and colleagues have […]

09 Dec

Economic Downturn Effect Patient Health and Diets

Over 56% of American Dietetic Association members surveyed report that they are concerned that the current economic downturn will have a negative effect on their patients’ ability to maintain or achieve a healthy weight, according to a survey conducted by the California Olive Committee. Almost three-quarters (72.2%) of the registered dieticians and nutritionists expressed concern […]

04 Dec

Table olives losing favor on California farms

Small harvest being reported Groves cut, making way for more profitable crops Central Valley olive growers are reporting one of the smallest harvests in years – 51,000 tons, well under the USDA’s initial estimate of 65,000 tons. One reason: Fewer olive trees. Growers, disappointed with the money to be made growing table olives, have been […]