Archive for the 'Olive Oil' Category

29 May

Australia and US try to change olive oil standards

The Australian olive oil industry is teaming up with the United States to develop a new set of international olive oil standards. Dr Rodney Mailer, from the Australian Oils Research Laboratory, says the European International Olive Council’s standards are too restrictive and treat unique aspects of Australian oils as negative traits. He says Australian producers […]

27 May

European Union set to support olive oil sector with storage aid

By Jeremy Smith & Anthony Barker, European Union regulators suggested granting olive oil producers subsidies for private storage from as early as June as a way to prevent more price falls, the European Commission said on Monday. The Commission’s proposal, to be discussed soon by national experts from the EU’s 27 countries, would allow subsidised […]

25 May

For the love of olives in Texas

By Beverly Burmeier, Poor soil, high temperatures, and low water levels are all plentiful in central Texas. Not the usual growing conditions for a food crop, this combination just happens to be perfect for olive trees. So Jack Dougherty, former president of a computer company, bought a ranch near Wimberley and became the first person […]

22 May

California: The Olive Press earns top awards

Already known as the most highly-awarded producer of California extra virgin olive oil, The Olive Press once again earned high accolades and awards at the prestigious 2009 Yolo County Fair Olive Oil Competition held in April, with an impressive 15 medals in all. Gold medals were awarded to an additional seven of the Sonoma-based company’s […]

20 May

India: Publicis bags 2009 mandate for International Olive Council

Publicis will be involved in the promotional campaign of Olive Oil and Table Olive in India for 2008 -2009. With the slogan “For a Tastier and Healthier Tomorrow,” the campaign is focused on the unique taste, quality and health aspects derived from table olives and olive oil. The campaign is focused on the taste, quality […]