15 Jul

Australia’s most expensive bottle of Olive Oil fetches $10,000

Australia’s most expensive bottle of extra virgin olive oil was auctioned on Wednesday night at FEVOO, Australia’s first extra virgin olive oil festival. Reaching an impressive $10,000, the 1.5L magnum bottle was sold to Andrew Pridman, incoming chairman of the Sydney Swans and chairman of Cobram Estate Olive Oil, with all proceeds donated to the […]

11 Jul

Australia: Hobby olive farms in vogue with record oil production projected in Victoria

By Stephen Taylor, The good oil on olive growing is that business is booming, with record production tipped for Victoria. ​And our Indian summer and long clear sunny days and cool nights leading into winter helped make it happen. In 2007, production was five million litres of oil, and this year growers will harvest a […]

26 Oct

Australian Olive industry attacks Coles and Woolworths over labelling

Coles and Woolworths are resisting pressure to comply with recommended labelling standards for extra virgin olive oil.   The new guidelines were introduced this year to reduce the amount of refined oils being sold as 'premium' or 'extra light'.   President of the Australian Olive Association, Paul Miller, says Aldi supermarkets are already using the […]

07 Oct

Gold in Australian olive trees

  A CURIOSITY over old olive trees growing on historic farms has turned into gold for a northeast couple. Over the past 20 years Eberhard Kunze and Maureen Titcumb have propagated tens of thousands of olive saplings to save old genetic stock.   This year, oil from their priola trees, a variety they discovered and named, […]

02 Oct

All about olives at Silverdale farm

  Ambrosia Olive Farm owners Dawn and Steve Skarmoutsos brought their passion for olive growing from Greece. What does Ambrosia Olive Farm produce? The organic farm is family-run by my husband Steve and I, and we produce table olives, preserved and marinated olives, olive oil and olive-based skincare products named Eleon Cosmetics that include creams, […]