02 Mar

South Australian olive growers to pay new levy

A new levy paid by South Australian olive growers will help promote and further develop the industry. From this harvest, growers will pay a $4 levy on each tonne of fruit they produce. Olives South Australia president Lisa Rowntree says it will increase by a dollar a year for the next three years to eventually […]

06 Nov

Olive harvest underway for artisan growers in California

25 Oct

Californian Olive growers see low crop this year

By Sean Janssen, The fortunes of Californian olive growers are mixed this year. In Jamestown, grower Leslie Hurst said her Hurst Ranch Feeds & Fencing crop looks to be following a statewide trend of light tonnage as weather has taken its toll on this year’s crop. The California Farm Bureau Federation Food and Farm News […]

20 Sep

Interview of V N Dalmia, President of the India Olive Association

Over the next four years olive oil consumption in India is expected to increase nine-fold to 42,000 tonne. Increasing awareness of health issues is the primary driver of this demand, as olive oil is seen as a healthier cooking medium. Is olive oil becoming more acceptable in India? Firstly, it should be noted that olive […]

15 Sep

Olive Oyl popcorn finds its way to store shelves

By Kim Mikus , Photo George LeClaire, Angelo and Maria Angelakos, of Lake in the Hills, created and now sell pre-popped popcorn made with olive oil through their business, Olive Oyl Brand Foods Inc. The snack is making its way to grocery stores. Attorney Angelo Angelakos acted on an idea and a craving he had […]