16 Mar

Far from Spain, olives may have a home in Oregon soil

By Liz Crain, The Mediterranean region cultivates the majority of the world’s olives, but when it comes to domestic olives, California is the largest producer, cultivating roughly 10 percent of the world’s table olives. Oregon has been typically considered either too cold or too rainy for olive cultivation, but farmers are beginning to realize that […]

13 Mar

UCDAVIS: Olive-Growing Short Course Offers International Perspectives

Olive experts from the United States, Spain and Italy will teach the latest techniques in growing olives for commercial olive-oil production during an April 18-19 public short-course coordinated by the UC Davis Olive Center. The course, to be held in Lodi, will begin Friday, April 18, with an update on olive-oil production in the United […]

25 Feb

Fruit Fly Threatens California State’s Olives

A pest is harming one of Northern California’s most important crops….and the problem seems to be growing. By Steve Milne, It’s a fruit fly that plagues olives. The bug first appeared in California 10 years ago and has spread across the state. Hannah Burrack is an expert on the olive fruit fly. She teaches entomology […]

14 Jan

UC Davis Launches New Olive Oil Center

Hoping to do for olives and olive oil what it has done for grapes and wine, the University of California, Davis, today launched the first university-based olive research and education center in North America. Plans for the new UC Davis Olive Center, which is part of the university’s Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food […]

28 Dec

Olive harvest reported stolen

By Stevie Ipsen, An olive crop worth about $2,400 is reportedly missing after several men, posing as pickers from a local olive oil company, picked and drove away with 6 tons of olives. According to William Klarenbach, his mother’s 6-acre property on Flournoy Avenue consisted of manzanilla and mission olives that were simply loaded into […]