17 Jun

Olive growers’ crops looking sparse

By Julie R. Johnson, Officials are scratching their heads as to why this year’s olive crop is the pits. “The crop looked really good early on,” said Doug Compton, assistant commissioner of the Tehama County Agriculture Department. “But then we began hearing reports of poor fruit set from olive growers.” Across the state, Tehama County […]

11 Jun

McEvoy Ranch in northern Marin unveils windmill

By Rob Rogers, Photo Frankie Frost, Publishing heiress Nan McEvoy hopes a once-controversial 98-foot-tall windmill on her northern Marin ranch will become an inspiration for farmers and others interested in leaving fossil fuels behind. “I know there is nothing my mother is prouder of,” said Nion McEvoy, who spoke on his mother’s behalf during a […]

22 May

California: The Olive Press earns top awards

Already known as the most highly-awarded producer of California extra virgin olive oil, The Olive Press once again earned high accolades and awards at the prestigious 2009 Yolo County Fair Olive Oil Competition held in April, with an impressive 15 medals in all. Gold medals were awarded to an additional seven of the Sonoma-based company’s […]

19 May

Lindsay Olives seeks sales in snack aisle, too

By David Morrill, Walk down the snack aisle of a local grocery store and you’ll find the usual canisters of peanuts, bags of chips and jars of salsa. If Lindsay Olives has its way, you’ll see their cans of olives as well. Owned by Bell-Carter Foods Inc. of Lafayette, Lindsay Olives is in the process […]

23 Apr

Expert praises California olive oil

Going green can mean picking the right olive oil and one expert on the oil says California’s premium olive oils are often worth the extra money. University of California Cooperative Extension farm advisor Paul Vossen, an olive oil expert, says the state’s olive oil has a promising future if word of its many benefits is […]