22 Apr

CIA-UC Davis World Olive Oil Conference

Take part in one of the top flavor-discovery experiences of the year, Beyond Extra Virgin 2009: An International Conference on Excellence in Olive Oil. This unique event, scheduled for June 21 to 23, will be held at the University of California at Davis and the California campus of The Culinary Institute of America. Conference highlights […]

12 Mar

$450,000 Embezzled From SB Olive Co

Sheriff deputies arrested 39-year-old Cathy Latou who, reportedly admitted to embezzling over $360,000 from the Santa Barbara Olive Company. The owners of the company contacted the sheriff’s department on Monday, after Latou reportedly confessed to the theft. After a further investigation, sheriff officials discovered Latou may have taken an additional $90,000. Investigators believe the majority […]

12 Mar

Gold and Silver Medals Awarded to California Olive Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oils

Arbequina, Arbosana, and Koroneiki Recognized at the First Annual California Olive Oil Council Competition California Olive Ranch (COR), North America’s largest olive oil producer, received three medals from The California Olive Oil Council (COOC) for their 2008 harvest extra virgin olive oils: Both the single varieties Arbequina and Arbosana earned gold and COR’s single variety […]

18 Feb

Olives May Be Rescued By Helpful Wasp

By Marcia Wood, Olives basking in sunny California groves might find that their new best friend is a small brown wasp. Known to scientists as Psyttalia cf. concolor, the little wasp can help foil the olive fruit fly, a powerful natural enemy of olives. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) entomologist Victoria Y. Yokoyama and colleagues have […]

04 Dec

Table olives losing favor on California farms

Small harvest being reported Groves cut, making way for more profitable crops Central Valley olive growers are reporting one of the smallest harvests in years – 51,000 tons, well under the USDA’s initial estimate of 65,000 tons. One reason: Fewer olive trees. Growers, disappointed with the money to be made growing table olives, have been […]