31 Aug

Processing record set for New Norcia olives

WITH the help of a few industrious volunteers and some hard working staff, ‘Grounds’ staff has set a record for processing olives. 1050kg of olives were picked and processed in three days last month resulting in 180 litres of olive oil, an overall yield of 15.52 per cent. Grounds manager Gordon Smyth was pleased with […]

19 Jul

Olives hard hit by bad weather

By Michelle Nelson, Snow and heavy frosts hit at the worst possible time for the olive harvest this year. Local growers Rosaly and Mike McKinstry’s crop is a write-off. Mrs McKinstry said the severe frosts following the snowfall had damaged some of the ripening fruit and picking had been abandoned for the season.

17 Jul

Salty Bites

By Gillian Hirst, WILD olives have been collected and eaten by humans since Neolithic times. Cultivation is not thought to have begun until 3000BC, in or around Palestine or Syria. You can trace the spread of the olive through the remains of ancient olive mills, storage jars and olive stones found throughout Greece, Italy, the […]

14 Jul

Olive leaves show cancer-killing potential

Laboratory tests of an extract from olive leaves have shown it can kill prostate and breast cancer cells. Southern Cross University researchers on the north coast of New South Wales completed the work for a manufacturer of the extract. The university’s Dr Lesley Stevensen says the results sound remarkable, but need to be considered in […]

05 Jul

[Australia] Booklet gives overview of olives

A PROMOTIONAL booklet for Victoria’s burgeoning olive industry was launched at Yarrawonga yesterday. Victoria’s Agriculture Minister Bob Cameron launched Victorian Olive Industry Overview at Rich Glen Olives. “The Victorian olive industry is growing rapidly with more than 2000 producers supplying domestic and export markets,” Mr Cameron said. “More than $300 million has been invested in […]