25 Sep

Turning olive pits into energy

After you’ve enjoyed a tangy olive, don’t throw away the pit – it could soon be providing a clean, green answer to heat and electricity production, thanks to technology developed by Israeli start-up Genova, now setting up its first pilot plant. The company, which was founded in September 2004, is headquartered in the northern town […]

25 Jul

UK: Are we using too much olive oil?

By Zoe Williams, Sales of extra-virgin olive oil hit a record £71m last year, which means it now accounts for more than 30% – the largest share – of the UK oil market. These figures have led some people to conclude that we’re adopting “a healthier, Mediterranean diet”. There are as many things wrong with […]

14 May

Iran: Poor olive oil imports slammed

Large amounts of impure olive oil imported into Iran’s market coupled with poor-quality domestic products lead to customer dissatisfaction Chairman of the Agriculture Commission of Iran’s Chamber of Commerce Shahrokh Zahiri regretted that more than 90 percent of the imported olive oil, coming from Turkey and Italy, has poor quality. At present, about 100,000 hectares […]

30 Apr

Iran to join international olive treaty

President Ahmadinejad has presented a bill to parliament under which Iran will join an International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives. The Ministry of Agriculture proposed the initiative to the cabinet which endorsed Iran’s accession to the international treaty under the auspices of the United Nations. The Iranian parliament is yet to ratify the […]

22 Apr

Palestinian Presses Produced 34,002 Tons of Olive Oil in 2006

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) stated Sunday that the total number of olive presses in the Palestinian Territory is 266, of which 246 are operating, while 20 are temporarily closed. In a statistical report, to WAFA, on olives presses in the Palestinian Territory for the year 2006, PCBS said that the total quantity […]