22 Nov

Peace olive oil

It’s extra virgin, great on salads and a lubricant for relationships in the Middle East. It’s Peace Oil– olive oil produced in Northern Israel by a collaboration of Arabs, Jews, Bedouins and Druze working together. This joint venture is sponsored by the Charities Advisory Trust which encourages co-operation between communities. Its vision is that through […]

19 Nov

Rajasthan, Israel join hands to plant olive trees

Aimed at popularising olive oil in food preparations JAIPUR: The Rajasthan State Agricultural Marketing Board on Saturday signed a tripartite agreement with two Israeli companies to promote cultivation of olive trees in the desert State. State Agriculture Minister Prabhulal Saini said olive would be cultivated on 210 hectares of Government land at 10 different locations […]

07 Nov

Cash-strapped Palestinians bank on rich olive crop

By Atef Sa’ad, Mazuza Raja tosses a tray of freshly picked olives into the air, a traditional way of sorting a harvest so good this year that Palestinians dare dream of better fortune. “The olive provides a main source of income for my family,” said the 55-year-old woman, who lives in a village near the […]

03 Nov

Israel: Olives From orchard to oil

By Ofer Zemach & Ben Jacobson, A symbol of excellence, strength and purity, olive oil has long been a part of the Israeli diet. The Bible contains many references to the culinary and religious uses of the olive and its oil. In the Book of Genesis, the dove sent from the ark by Noah returned […]

24 Oct

Olive harvest sparks tensions

By Martin Patience, Before dawn, Kanaan al-Jamal, 38, hauls his two young children from their beds and along with his wife they set off to tend the olive groves close to their home. In olive groves dotted across the rolling West Bank, Palestinian farmers are preparing for the harvest: pruning the trees, collecting spoilt olives, […]