Archive for the 'Event-Festival' Category

20 Jan

BioFach 2008: Olive oil awards

From food tasting course to olive oil tasting, there will be much to appeal to the senses of the some 45,000 trade visitors from 21-24 February 2008. Newly introduced at BioFach 2008 is an award for the best organic olive oil. The special feature of this award is the tasters, as the visitors at the […]

16 Jan

Rylstone olive producer nabs contracts on ‘best trade trip’

A Rylstone olive producer says he is on his best trade trip to the United States and has gained contracts from his stand at a San Diego speciality food fair. Nicholas Bentivoglio is in the US showcasing his Rylstone organic olive oil to more than 16,000 buyers as one of 40 Australian producers at the […]

04 Dec

Fête de l’Olive Piquée à Nyons, le 22 décembre 2007

Par Alexandra Paris, L’Alliance de la culture & de la gourmandise autour de l’Olive Noire de Nyons Samedi 22 décembre, Nyons va honorer son joyau, une perle noire aux arômes subtils qui enchante les papilles et inspire les poètes : l’olive noire AOC Nyons. En primeur, préparée piquée et salée au sel fin, elle se […]

04 Dec

Blessing launches Olive Festival

The Olive Festival kicked off on Saturday, when Rev. Michael Kelly gave the official Blessing of the Olives at the historic Mission San Francisco Solano de Sonoma. The festival, which stretches over three months, is full of workshops, dinners and parties inspired by the salty snack. For more information, visit [Source] Click here

27 Nov

Italy: Olivagando. Oil and autumn festival

“OLIVAGANDO”, a cultural event scheduled for Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 November 2007,is organized by the Industry Department of the Municipality of Magione and sponsored by the Umbria Region.The event includes workshops, a conference and gastronomy stands The conference focuses on the prospects of olive growing in the Trasimeno area, workshops and entertainment for children, […]