Archive for the 'Event-Festival' Category

27 Mar

IOTEX 2008 brings world olive producers to Jordan

Olive traders from 12 countries flocked to the recently concluded International Olive Products and Technology Exhibition and Forum (IOTEX 2008) at the Amman Motor Show to develop a cooperative spirit, exchange expertise and put the international olive industry on a higher pedestal. Around 100 merchants from Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Italy, Greece, France Turkey, […]

16 Mar

New olive oils premiering at UC Davis

UC Davis will unveil its new bottled olive oils, made from the 2007 harvest of the campus’s 2,000 olive trees, during a public “launch party.” Also making its debut will be a new UC Davis wine vinegar. The event is scheduled from 4 to 6 p.m., Wednesday, at the Silo Cafe and Pub on the […]

14 Mar

Olive oil is voted best in Australia

By Callum Jones, Olive farming is not usually associated with Northampton, but one resident has received national recognition in Australia for producing an award-winning olive oil. Chris Perkins, aged 59, of Kingsthorpe, was brought up in an agricultural family in the Australian state of Victoria but came back to England when he was a teenager. […]

13 Mar

UCDAVIS: Olive-Growing Short Course Offers International Perspectives

Olive experts from the United States, Spain and Italy will teach the latest techniques in growing olives for commercial olive-oil production during an April 18-19 public short-course coordinated by the UC Davis Olive Center. The course, to be held in Lodi, will begin Friday, April 18, with an update on olive-oil production in the United […]

24 Jan

The 2nd edition of Olive d’Or at SIAL Montreal

During the SIAL Montréal 2007, the 1st edition Olive d’Or has been highly successful in terms of participation, and stood-out as one of the most important international contest. The competition attracted 144 olive oils from more than 18 countries around the world. Register today for the 2nd edition during SIAL Montréal 2008 from April 23-25, […]