12 Mar

Olive Oil: Nature’s Liquid Gold, the Latest Recession Rescuer

Earthquake sensitive Orey forecasts during turbulent times ahead people will forego fancy processed foods and go back to Mother Nature’s finest staple–olive oil. “This ancient elixir has been used for everything from cooking, health ailments to beauty aids and natural pet care,” she said.

‘The Healing Powers of Olive Oil’ author-intuitive Cal Orey isn’t surprised by a recent AOL.com business report “Consumers Cut Back on Small Pleasures” since countless folks from coast to coast are facing sluggish economy jitters. After all, in August 2007 she predicted on www.earthquakeepi-center.com, a progressive disaster preparedness website, a recession was in the works for 2008.

“While the destructive economic tsunami is hitting home now–the recession-proof liquid gold commodity may already be in consumers’ kitchen cupboards,” said Orey. “The word is, olive oil used in both healthful home cooking and home cures is sweeping the nation.” By 2010, the olive oil market in the U.S. is expected to surpass $1.3 billion, much of what is attributed to olive oil’s health benefits,” according to Olive Oil in the U.S., the largest market research from packaged facts.

Earthquake sensitive Orey (who has accurately predicted both quakes and floods), forecasts to survive these shaky times people will forego fancy processed foods and go back to Mother Nature’s finest staple–olive oil. “This ancient and versatile elixir has been used for everything from baking, health ailments to beauty aids and natural pet care,” she said.

During economical shakeups, Orey also predicts, “More consumers are going to make a comeback with healthful home-cooking and making frugal food such as wholesome Mediterranean-type casseroles, stir-frys, salads, and whole grain breads drizzled and dipped with all natural extra virgin olive oil.”

Orey, a veteran health-nutrition journalist also believes oil — the kind you eat– not the kind that is affecting a “consumer crunch” – is as good as gold. “Medical studies prove polyphenols (disease fighting antioxidants found in red wine, green tea, dark chocolate, and extra virgin olive oil) may help lower the risk of developing heart disease, cancers, diabetes, and obesity. And staying healthy can ease costly medical bills and health insurance payments which are on the rise.”

The sensitive disaster preparedness expert added, “Plus, having a cure-all product at home is recession proof-thinking, too. Rather than trying to buy every health remedy, it’s more practical and cost-effective to have one (or two) cures such as olive oil and vinegar that works for many ailments such as burns, cuts, earaches, and sore muscles,” said Orey. She added, “Do-it-yourself olive oil home cures (which include stress-reducing massages and a natural weight loss aid) are cheaper than luxury spas and over-the-counter diet aids.”

The bottom line, “As people prepare for high gas costs, weak wage growth, soaring food prices, and more gloomy signs of a weak economy, nature’s liquid gold is a hot trend not to overlook,” according to Orey, the author of ‘The Healing Powers of Olive Oil: A Complete Guide to Nature’s Liquid Gold’ (February 2008) and ‘The Healing Powers of Vinegar, Revised, and Updated’ (both published by Kensington and purchased by the One Spirit Book Club). She concluded, “Olive oil may be the latest recession life-saver to help people weather the financial storm ahead in 2008.”

About the Author:
Cal Orey is an author and a popular international journalist. She has a master’s degree in English from San Francisco State University, and for the past twenty years, has written hundreds of articles for a wide variety of national and international magazines. She specializes in topics on nutrition, human and pet health, beauty, and relationships. Her books include ‘Doctor’s Orders: What 101 Doctors Do to Stay Healthy’, ‘The Sky is Falling! A Global Warming Survival Guide’ and ‘The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes’. More information can be found on ‘The Healing Powers of Olive Oil’ (and interviews can be scheduled) at www.calorey.com.

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