08 Oct

Australia Swimming in Low-Grade Olive Oil

Australia is becoming a dumping ground for low-grade olive oil, with no controls on cheap imitations coming in from Europe, experts. Consumer demand for extra virgin olive oil, known to be a “healthy fat”, is soaring in Australia, which has attracted hungry European manufacturers. But some extra virgin olive oil sold here – the majority […]

20 Sep

Olive Oil Sector Could Be Shaken Up By New Labelling Rules

The European olive oil market could be set for a shake up if new labelling rules proposed by EU officials come into force. The rules would make origin labelling compulsory for virgin and extra virgin label olive oil, and could come into force as early as July 2009. The move could provide a boost for […]

20 Sep

l’huile d’olive Tunisienne menacee par l’UE ?

Suite au précédent post, voici un article de Mohamed Fateh se posant la question du danger que peux représenter cette nouvelle directive, je cite: L’idée étant d’informer précisément les consommateurs de la provenance exacte de l’huile en bouteille. Les flacons d’huiles de diverses origines, mélangées, devront donc être étiquetés en conséquence, mentionnant notamment les pays […]

12 Sep

EU to help consumers identify top quality olive oil

By Jeremy Smith, Europe’s olive oil producers may soon have to mark their best-quality brands with origin labels to stop consumers being misled about where the oil comes from, EU officials said on Friday. Next week, EU experts will vote on whether to make origin labelling compulsory for virgin and extra virgin olive oils. If […]

25 Aug

Olive oil consumption leading to ‘serious environmental problem’

Growing demand for olive oil is leading to concerns over drought in parts of Europe, a report warns. By Chris Irvine, Parts of Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal are turning into deserts and suffering water shortages because of the intense olive farming that has developed in the area, according to The Ecologist magazine. The magazine […]