Archive for the 'Articles' Category

28 Aug

Olive oil: A treasure trove of taste

By David Penner, It’s branches crowned Julius Caesar as he marched into Rome. It seeped into the bones of saints through their sarcophaguses. Ancient Olympians rubbed it into their skin. And today, world-class chefs and weekend kitchen commanders, like myself, use it every day. What is this highly prized treasure of the culinary world? It’s […]

25 Aug

Etude de positionnement stratégique de la branche Huilerie Tunisienne

L’oléiculture jouit d’une place stratégique dans l’agriculture avec une superficie de 1,6 millions d’hectares soit 30% des terres agricoles et 56 millions de pieds d’oliviers. La production d’olives à huile est tributaire des conditions climatiques et reste une culture traditionnelle. Situation nationale : L’activité compte près de 1 440 huileries et occupe 250 000 oléiculteurs. […]

18 Aug

Century-old olive trees saved by young businessman

Sedat Kirt, Shocked by the destruction of a forest of ancient olive trees amid the environmental degradation of a coal mine, a young businessman from Datça has initiated an extraordinary eco-project. Building engineer Timur Kabaklarlı, 32, now owns 1,500 olive trees after seeing the centuries-old trees being cut for coal mining. During a business trip […]

08 Aug

Australia: Here’s the good oil on olives

By Mark Logan, The Mediterranean diet, which includes copious amounts of olive oil, is well known for its health benefits but that is not why retired physician John Milla, and his wife Lorraine, took to planting olive trees at Abilene Grove 13 years ago. An avid tree planter, Mr Milla was initially interested in the […]

01 Aug

An olive a day…

Do you like olives? Either the black or green variety? Then eating seven a day could help to keep the doctor away, say health experts. They say it does not matter how the olive is prepared or whether it is green or black, it contains essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins, fundamental to the Mediterranean […]