Archive for the 'Articles' Category

02 May

Olive Extract Protects Against Neurodegenerative Disorders

An extract derived from olives may provide protection against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, according to a study published in the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.” Researchers examined the effect of an antioxidant chemical known as hydroxytyrosol, which has previously been shown to be connected to the health benefits of olive oil, such as LDL […]

01 May

Peru’s purple olives soaked in history

By Maricel E. Presilla, On my first trip to Peru many years ago, I was captivated by the country’s black olives. Juicy, meaty and flavorful, they were a far cry from the rubbery California black olives of U.S. salad bars and a welcome change from the sharp, briny green Manzanilla olives I grew up eating […]

28 Apr

California Olive oil: for love or money

By Tina Caputo, California olive oil history dates back hundreds of years to the late 1700s, when the first olive trees were brought over from Spain. As the industry grew, olive trees became a common sight in Northern California and the Central Valley, and olive oil processing mills began opening to meet demand for the […]

20 Apr

California olive oils are growing on us

By Greg Atkinson, Last September, when I was in California, I enjoyed a picnic in the shade of some enormous old olive trees. The tables were covered with Provençal fabrics, and when we sat down to eat, we were greeted with bright green olive oil poured onto plates for dipping the artisanal breads that awaited […]

04 Apr

Olive Oil Eases Ride For Bypass Patients

By Charlene Laino, If you or a family member are scheduled for heart bypass surgery, stock up on the olive oil. That’s the advice of Greek researchers who found that an olive-oil-rich diet may lower the risk of having a heart attack or stroke or dying from cardiovascular disease in the month after heart surgery. […]