Archive for the 'North America' Category

30 Jun

The New Californian Olive Trend

A new trend is changing the olive industry in the north state, now it’s all about the oil olives and the expensive liquid gold they produce. In the olive city, there’s a new boom surrounding the fruit, Vice President of Crane Mills Brian Crane says, “The olive oil industry is what wine was decades ago.” […]

17 Jun

Olive growers’ crops looking sparse

By Julie R. Johnson, Officials are scratching their heads as to why this year’s olive crop is the pits. “The crop looked really good early on,” said Doug Compton, assistant commissioner of the Tehama County Agriculture Department. “But then we began hearing reports of poor fruit set from olive growers.” Across the state, Tehama County […]

11 Jun

an Importer fights state’s stricter olive oil laws

By Brian Lockhart, The state’s strict new olive oil standards have left a bad taste in the mouth of one New York food importer who is arguing in court the rules are unfair, flaunt federal law and are hurting business. Dennis Kangadis, vice president of New York-based Kangadis Food Inc., also known as The Gourmet […]

11 Jun

McEvoy Ranch in northern Marin unveils windmill

By Rob Rogers, Photo Frankie Frost, Publishing heiress Nan McEvoy hopes a once-controversial 98-foot-tall windmill on her northern Marin ranch will become an inspiration for farmers and others interested in leaving fossil fuels behind. “I know there is nothing my mother is prouder of,” said Nion McEvoy, who spoke on his mother’s behalf during a […]

06 Jun

UC Davis Olive Oil Conference Welcomes Public and Culinary Professionals

Cooking enthusiasts and olive oil aficionados are invited to join food professionals from around the world June 21-23 at UC Davis for an international conference exploring the best production practices, sensory qualities and culinary possibilities for the highest quality extra virgin olive oil. “Beyond Extra Virgin,” the largest conference on olive-oil excellence ever held in […]