Archive for the 'North America' Category

03 Apr

Slick suspect uses olive oil to rob store

A man found a unique, albeit illegal  use for olive oil this week, police said. He used a bottle of it to rob a convenience store. A witness was sitting in his car when he saw a man enter the store with a plastic bag wrapped around his hand, then drove away because he had […]

18 Mar

Farmers strike Olive oil in Texas

By John Griffin, Farming was always something that interested Jim Henry, when he was younger, he thought Texas would be the perfect place to grow grapes, but the experts told him it was impossible, given the terrain. More recently, he decided the Lone Star State would be perfect for olives. Again, people called it folly. […]

18 Mar

USDA approval for 1st U.S. Release of Authentic Olive Trees From Israel

With a hard-earned U.S. Department of Agriculture signoff now in hand, becomes one of the first companies in the U.S. approved to bring living olive trees from Israel to the North American market. For owners–and brothers–Bruno and Jerome Schneider, building the company was an intricate business challenge requiring four years of negotiations, planning and […]

12 Mar

$450,000 Embezzled From SB Olive Co

Sheriff deputies arrested 39-year-old Cathy Latou who, reportedly admitted to embezzling over $360,000 from the Santa Barbara Olive Company. The owners of the company contacted the sheriff’s department on Monday, after Latou reportedly confessed to the theft. After a further investigation, sheriff officials discovered Latou may have taken an additional $90,000. Investigators believe the majority […]

12 Mar

Gold and Silver Medals Awarded to California Olive Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oils

Arbequina, Arbosana, and Koroneiki Recognized at the First Annual California Olive Oil Council Competition California Olive Ranch (COR), North America’s largest olive oil producer, received three medals from The California Olive Oil Council (COOC) for their 2008 harvest extra virgin olive oils: Both the single varieties Arbequina and Arbosana earned gold and COR’s single variety […]